Tuesday, December 11, 2007


23 Things later I know a whole lot more than I did a few weeks ago.
RSS feeds? Flickr? Who knew?
And actually, it was fun exploring the net too (despite some complaints). ;-)

Will I use some of what I learned? Sure!
Would I participate in another learning program? Absolutely!

And it got all of us involved in the same thing - a fun experience in itself.

These are Sabine's thoughts - over and out.......

Downloadable Audiobooks - Think 22

I LOVE Project Gutenberg!
They have books in lots of different languages that you can read right on the computer - anytime, anywhere. Fantastic!!

Podcasts - Thing 21

Podcasts for book reviews??
Hip idea for a hip new generation!

Friday, December 7, 2007

You Tube 20

Everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame and you can find them all on YouTube!
I can probably find something better to do with my time, but I am sure it can be entertaining for some.